Updated version of Petit Philosophy website 2.0 published!

Socrates doesn't know coding!

Hey there, weary online traveler!

What happens when you give a philosopher the task of redesigning web?

Every possible deadline breached and entirely new set of existential issues to ponder upon!

Nevertheless, the task is completed, our redesigned website has been published, and we’ll leave those existential issues for some other day. The main feature added through redesign has been bilingual component of our site. Now, everything you’ve found here in Croatian, you can find in English as well, and vice-versa. Information flow has been enhanced, as well as access to all of the educational materials we’ve produced so far. Now, it should be easier to navigate through our entire web-content. At least we hope so. You can read about previous projects, you can download and use our open educational resources, and you can order some of our publications!

All that being said, it’s important to mention that while our site has finally been set free, it’s still in Beta phase. That means that some of the components might not work the way we intended they should. We’re currently testing its functionality, clicking all the buttons and links, reading all materials, and sending a bunch of e-mails to ourselves, with quite incoherent text chains (e.g. “Ooogaboogaeinzzweidrei!” A.K. 2020).

So, if you by any chance encounter any anomaly*, some button is not working or part of the content is missing, or link leads you down the path you don’t want to go, you’re free to contact us using this form.

*Association “Petit Philosophy” can NOT be held accountable for encounters of the third kind. This unaccountability extends to encounters including trolls, goblins, dragons, and any others beings not protected by general inclusivity guidelines.